Uh...short note to my 7 regular readers. I've sent the link to this blog to some of my cousins---cousins I have been searching for many years, and found. That's a great story, and I'll be writing about it soon. In the meantime, welcome to Kathleen, Colleen, Diana and Don, and Patricia and Leonard....here's a snapshot of my life, and I'm glad I found you again.
Oh, also, my cousins do not yet know that I'm known as Fire Marshall Margaret and Meteorologist Margaret.
So, just to get them used to my other jobs around here,the photo above is of tonight's lightening storm in the desert. It was part of a movie that I was trying to shoot, so, since I'm not so good with the camera yet, I plucked a single shot from the video to place here on the blog. So, sorry it's a little grainy, but it gives you the idea of what we had here tonight. Since we're in Highest Fire Danger alert, I'm happy to say, nothing caught fire that we know of. The storm was actually about 20 miles away from the house, and positioned over the San Gabriel Mountain Range.